
Laura is an author, speaker, and Bible teacher who equips and encourages women to live life filtered through the lens of eternity. Why does this matter? Because when we shift our perspective from temporary to eternal, it transforms our lives. We trade chaos for clarity, randomness for purpose, hopelessness for joy, and anxiousness for peace.

She lives in Gaffney, SC, and is open to speaking to small groups and at churches, retreats and  conferences. Through personal stories, humor, and a heaping spoonful of Scripture, Laura speaks on the topics below:  Check out a sample of teachings on YouTUBE.

Life is tough.  If you are new Believer or a seasoned follower of Christ, you will experience doubt, discouragement and conflict.  Spiritual Warfare is real. The struggle between our flesh and desire to live a Godly life is real. While the battle for hearts and minds will wage until Christ returns, God’s children can claim the victory Christ won for us at Calvary and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to keep the enemy from dampening our spiritual fire.

God never intended us to live our lives in isolation.  In a world more connected than ever before, why do we still feel lonely?  Living life fully involves real fellowship, not just a scroll through Facebook.  Opening our hearts and homes to those around us fosters joy and strength as we develop meaningful relationships in the Body of Christ.

Young wives and mothers wear many hats, so trying to prioritize and meeting your family’s needs   when running on empty is both challenging and exhausting. Your husband needs you; your children need you, and so do many others in your life.   Your heavenly Father handpicked your family, knowing that you are exactly the person they need, and they are exactly what you need. Putting husbands and children first, despite what the world tells us is more important, yields radical change in our hearts, our homes and our communities.

Type A does not even begin to describe me, more like type A +++, but seeking accomplishment in lists, spreadsheets and the pages of my calendar only left me frustrated and empty.   We push God away, trying to carry the weight of the world instead of leaning on the One who has already overcome the world and wonder why our lives are spinning out of control. Learning to be still in God’s presence, trading busyness for spiritual mindfulness is key to inner peace and genuine fulfillment.

What a comfort to know that God has prepared a place for Believers to live for eternity, that this world is not our end-all, be-all.   We accept this truth, yet live as if we are of the world and in the world forever. Switching our minds and hearts towards things eternal and our Heavenly home affects how we view God, ourselves and our purpose for existing.  In short, how we live our lives day to day. Resting in the assurance that God is sovereign, that everything we do should bring glory to Him, and He means for His children to enjoy Him both now and forever — what a day that will be!

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